
Creatively Learning

Amitabh Kumar Das. Originally from Darbhanga, Bihar, India.
For 24 years, served in the IPS ( Indian Police Service), a Class One officer in the Govt of India. Did mid-career training in Cambridge, the UK.

Now he is the Chairman of the Bihar Viplavi Parishad ( Bihar Revolutionary Council) . Equality, Liberty and Fraternity are its motto. He is a die hard Marxist. A staunch secularist and An atheist. Hates all kinds of bigotry.

I live in Patna, the capital of Bihar. My two-bedroom apartment is called NUTSHELL. I am a teetotaler and a non smoker. I love non veg food. I am unmarried. Family planning and population control are my obsession. I think that population explosion is the mother of all problems facing the Planet Earth. I am a bookworm and a fighter. I see myself as a scholar- warrior ! I have created this Website to disseminate my views and interact with like minded people. I love dogs too . The more I see men , the more I admire dogs !

I come from Bihar where 2500 years ago the great Mauryan Empire flourished. Litti Chokha is the signature dish of Bihar. In the Litti Chokha Dot Com series , I present Interesting facts about my home state Bihar

I founded the Parishad in 2020 during the anti CAA movement. ” Viplav ” in Hindi means revolution. Bihar Viplavi Parishad means Bihar Revolutionary Council! Its motto is Equality, Liberty, Fraternity: the immortal ideals of the French Revolution. I believe in thinking globally and acting locally. Marx, Gandhi and Ambedkar are the Holy Trinity which guides the Parishad. The Bihar Viplavi Parishad believes in non violence and the Constitution of India. Left parties are my natural ally

Cartooning has been my childhood hobby. Nowadays I draw political cartoons also mainly to ridicule Narendra Modi and his gang. Kindly don’t expect any ” neutrality ” from me . I often use strong words in my cartoons because like Kabir Das I believe in calling a spade a spade !

I share my thoughts on all topics under the sun , including the sun and beyond the sun !


+91 7463924877


NUTSHELL, 2nd Floor, Patna Skyz, Road Number One, Vivekanand Park , New Pataliputra Colony , Patna 800013 , India.

